
Friday, May 28, 2010

May 28

Back at Pton. Oh, so good to be back.

Getting picked up by LW at the Dinky @ 12:30am
Lunch party
Helping Staff w/ mulching w/ LD and LW
Tow Path run w/ LD
Dinner @ Brown
Catching up w/ MH and seeing Smiley
KS reception - JG's entertaining tricks, EK's insanity, singing our favorites... good old times

Reunion Run w/ LD... time to catch up with a good friend while cruising (me, laboring) over the old tow path. Wanted her to be able to get a half-decent workout, so we aimed for a 7:30 for 4, then tapering off for another two. I wasn't quite sure how 7:30 was supposed to feel on concrete, so I just went hard, which was probably 5K pace... at least 5K effort. Good to talk about life and everything as we went, though thankfully, she did most of the talking, haha. I started fading at mile 4ish, and the final mile was run with fatigued legs... up the long, long hill. Final sprint at the end, followed by some stretching in the grass.

Splits> 8:40 t, 3:59 p, 7:40 b, 4:07 m, 4:00 p, 4:07 t, 11:26 h. So the leg to "t" was... 6:57/mi... yup, 5K race pace, albeit downhill. 7:17/mi til the "b", 7:39/mi back to the "t", and 9:09/mi back uphill.

Rt TA went a little numb on the way back to the "t", but the rest of the day, it was fine (the norm... aka tingly but not damaged). No lingering side-effects, it seems.
5.8 in 44:02, 7:32 ave. Hey, that's great!

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