
Thursday, February 4, 2010

Feb 4

Blaaah, anyway...

5.1 in 41:24, 8:07 pace. Splits> 8:30 for 1st mi, 8:00 thereafter. Felt decent enough, even after yesterday's run, to go again. Discovered that the 1224's are actually light compared to the Evolutions, despite its clunkiness. Wore those w/ arches.

Got somewhat tired 3 in, plus legs not tracking 100%, but stuck through it to try to get to milestones (like 4, 5), and the problems at least lessened, or the pain could be mostly masked. Didn't ice bath after - too cold. Prob just that bod didn't get hot enough during the run, because of the pace.

Oh, happy to say that the 8:00 felt easy for the first 3, a good sign. That's not so special when I think that I'd have to keep this up for 13, since I started breaking down after 3. But when you ignore that, it's pretty nice.

The past couple runs, I haven't been savoring them like I used to, when I could only squeeze a few precious miles out of my body per week. I should appreciate it more. Five went by today, but without the euphoria. It just ticked by (albeit with some difficulty), but it went by quickly, without enough time for a mental vacation. Being outside is more conducive to it feeling like a run.

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