
Monday, February 8, 2010

FAITH: Prayer

My knees are burning/stinging, as if there's bone-on-bone grinding when I walk. And yet, for once, I'm almost glad of it. If they weren't that way today, I probably would've run, eaten, blogged, logged, and read up more on training and nutrition. But instead, even my attempt at cycling was foiled, since someone was using the equipment. So I went back to my apt and decided to read - first thought about a running book, but then remembered the book How to Pray (R. A. Torrey) that I had received at a prayer meeting over the weekend. I was kind of curious what was in there.

Last night was a tough night, and in the midst of it, I had this image in my head of an analogy for what I was going through - a battle. One where I'm taking a good beating - for my choices? Probably, but in the end, I'll eventually learn and mature as a result, slow learner I am. And when I can't handle it, similar to that Footprints story where Jesus is the one carrying you during the toughest times, Jesus takes/took the beating from the Enemy in my stead even as I scorn him and turn to other sources to find comfort/fulfillment.

Anyway, all that imagery... I mentioned it because it came up in the book as the #1 reason to pray: There is a devil. "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." (Eph 6:12), and the climax of the armor of God passage was to add prayer.

Other good reasons to pray that I'll mention briefly, "prayer took much of the time and strength of Jesus; a man or woman who does not spend much time in prayer cannot properly be called a follower of Jesus Christ" (convicting, huh?), "praying is the most important part of the present ministry of our risen Lord," it's a God-appointed means of giving us mercy - Heb 4:16 and joy - John 16:4 (so true that people who seem to have the most overflowing and infectious joy are those who probably pray a lot). There are others, too, but I really like those.

And another cool thing: Our prayers should be unto God, where we realize that God is almost bending over to listen to us, that we're there before the Lord of the Universe, since so often, "there is really but little thought of God" in our prayers". We get so caught up in the need itself rather than the loving Father we are seeking.

Something else... Praying in Jesus' name. I just add it as a closer without thinking, but today was the first time I realized what it means. "It is like going to the bank of heaven when I go to God in prayer. I have nothing deposited there; I have absoltuely no credit there, and if I go in my own name, I will get absolutely nothing; but Jesus Christ has unlimited credit in heaven." It's only by him that I can "approach the throne of grace with confidence" (Heb 4:16).

And a lot seems to rest on praying within his will, and knowing his will is knowing what he promises in the Bible. I have difficulty believing that those promises are for me sometimes. I usually say that they're meant for the 'good Christians'. I know that there's no such thing. I should realize that, but I don't know. We'll table that one for now. But this was big - not taking those promises to be good as true is to make God out to be a liar. Wouldn't want to be saying that - we know better. And here's something else that struck me in the book: "If I am to have faith when I pray, I must find some promise in the Word of God on which to rest my faith." I've never viewed God's promises in this way before. I guess I've always seen it more as "if you're good, you'll get _____," but it's not really that. In my [new] opinion/understanding, it's one of the ways God markedly works and shows his existence. He IS truth, and his attributes are revealed in his promise and in his word. His desires are expressed there - we find out who he is. "'I am the LORD, who exercises kindness, justice, and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight," declares the LORD." (Jer 9:24). So believe it. It's who he is. And even if you have doubts about whether the promises are for you, too (like me), at least you see in his Word who He is, and you see how beautiful and good it is, and how it's worth fighting for in any case.

Anyway, those are just a mixture of my thoughts and some cool things I discovered just reading half of the book (so maybe a part 2 will be needed later on). Check out the book some time. Anyway, back to the beginning, I'm glad I was able to get this good, hefty dose of encouragement today, and hopefully, I can put this into practice. I'd appreciate your prayers about this.

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