
Monday, March 22, 2010

Mar 22

Ah, tired. 5.1 in 43:38, 8:36 ave. 2xout-and-back. Same course as last Wed, minus the risky part. Splits> 11:18, 11:06, 10:41, 10:31. Negative splits... okay, good. I did more heel striking because my calves/achilles need a rest from Sat's race in spikes. It was an all-grass course, uneven and cambered sometimes. I even rolled my ankle in a minor way 2x, once on each leg. When you're tired, you're more likely to roll.

With the windchill, it was 34 degrees, so I wore my Brooks Nightlife long sleeve shirt to top shorts and sox, plus a visor and shades. It was chilly at first because it was so windy, but I warmed up after the 2nd mile. Not hot, though, just warmer.

For perhaps the first time, I was bored with a course. Even the treadmill might've been less boring if I had an iPod. I'm not sure why. Even the track is more interesting. This thing was only 1.25ish miles each way and was basically a stick-straight road, so maybe it's the straight part. All the other courses I've run, including 8-mile one-way out-and-backs, the track, 1 mile loops, have been super interesting, whether or not I had an iPod. Or maybe it's just because I wasn't that energetic today. I kind of felt dizzy in the 2nd half of the work day. Lack of sleep, maybe? Maybe coming down with something?

But it's a decent course in that it's close, relatively safe (good road shoulder, all-grass) besides the uneven footing every now and then. It's only a couple miles' drive away. Since the treadmill's broken right now and the days are longer, it's great for now. So I hope it gets more interesting.

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