
Sunday, August 18, 2024

June 2024 Coleman's Creek Team Field Match


Wednesday, May 22:

Morning Hip Release & Lower Body Strength Yoga with Adriene

Thursday, May 23:

After a work trip to SC, I stopped by Kings Mountain Gateway Trail and hiked to about the halfway point and back, covering 6 miles in 2:05:37, with a 30#RPC in 8" MACV2s.  Having recently completed the Rev3 50 Hour AR with its miles upon miles of gravel road that we had to bike on, the path seemed like a great place to train for that type of surface of biking.  It was rolling terrain, with only one segment that would require pushing.  

The trail runs right by a lithium mine that you could see little glimpses of, with beautiful mountains in the background.  Unfortunately, those incredible views were blocked off with fencing.  That's sad.  I hope they can open up that area one day and make it accessible to the public.  

They did have restrooms there, so it could be a good place to do marathon training one day.

I actually ran a trail race on a trail with the same name back in 2014.  I wonder how much of it was the same.  I only recall running on a gravel path, with not a lot of scenery.  Sounds familiar, I guess!

Friday, May 24:

I finished reading "Special Operations Mindset" written by the guy who creates the "Life is a Special Operation" youtube series.  It's pretty good, and I like the philosophy that even if you're not SOF, you can still apply its principles in the way that you live.

Saturday, May 25:

Flow - Day 8 - Relax & 25 min Upper Body Yoga Feel Good Flow with Adriene.

Later on, I did HDT 18.1.1 (ARMS) in 39:34, followed by 3 miles with 50# in the v2 rucker wearing Salomon XA Comps to do more recon of my parents' future house.

Sunday, May 26:

Went to Coleman's to play with my Benelli M4 for the first time.  I definitely needed to have a straight back leg for recoil mitigation.  My right cheek took a beating with the cheek weld that I applied.  My first slug shot smacked the hanger hole directly and knocked the plate right off!

I did some rifle->pistol transitions at 25yd with frangible ammo on steel.

I did some rifle alternating among standing, seated, and kneeling.  I did much better at hitting when I slowed down and focussed on accuracy.

I finished with 3 mags of Scott's live+dry unholster and shoot drill.  Here, too, I had to slow down to clean it up.

It turned out that I had left my long range rifle ammo at home, so I did an hour of dry work, finding and ranging, looking up dope, moving and building, ranging with the impact, and dry firing twice, on repeat.  I used different props like rocks, a tank trap, and a tire.  There were little bees and ants who stung me a few times, though.  It felt like a little electrical shock.  It was hot, too.  I felt like I was getting diminishing returns by staying out and left at 3pm.  

At night, I did Glute and Pec PT v2 in 35:36 and 18A "Hanging Abs" in 19:51.

Monday, May 27:

I did 10K of nose breathed zone 3 running in 1:35:30 on the "Off Leash" trails at the USNWC.  I wore Saucony Nomads, since I haven't used them in a while.  I took the opportunity to get to know the trail system there, since it's not mapped very well yet, and there are random trails back there.  I repeated a lot of it, trying to chase down every side trail that I could find, often finding myself back at familiar spots.  A good activity for a run workout where pace doesn't matter.

Tuesday, May 28:

18A "Upper Body Prep" in 30:46, "Push-up" in 48:14.

Thursday, May 30:

After work, hiked a shortened version of the disc golf trail loop plus the main system at Renaissance Park with MACV2s and a 30#RPC.  Did 3.5 miles in 1:23:40.

Friday, May 31:

18A "Lower Body Prep" in 23:02, "Lower Push BW" in 37:57.


We were excited about the return of the 1-day team match at our home range.  It gives us good practice on key Mammoth skills time finding, ranging, communication, teamwork, and strategy, all of which PRS doesn't give you.

There would be 6 stages, each with a 4 min PAR time.  

To keep scoring simple, you had unlimited attempts on pistol targets (1 pt/target per shooter), and 2 attempts/rifle target (2 pts for first round hit and 1 pt for 2nd round hit).

Between 7:30-8:30am, we got to zero.  My 5 rounds were all touching on paper, and I didn't need to adjust anything.  Unsurprisingly based on the group but surprisingly based on how my SD normally is, the SD was sub-10!

It was 59* at the start.

We were excited to see the Mammoth Ft. Eisenhower team there.

Stage 1 @ New PRS Skill Stage Bay and Service Road

- 4 pistol targets were down on the service road, with 2 near and 2 far.

- Once both shooters were back at the PRS barricade, you could engage 4 circle targets.

Outcome/Learnings: 20/40th with 18 points
- I got 4/4 on pistol without a miss, which was awesome, considering how far away the back ones were.
- SB struggled with the back ones, and I considered going back to get a tripod for her, but it was a decent distance away.  I couldn't start shooting until she was either done or put a pause on it.  
- Looking back, I could've gone back to the barricade and at least started finding and ranging, instead of not being very helpful.
- I got 2/2 on the 400yd target and missed my second shot on the second target.  SB went after the same ones, but she didn't get off her last rifle shot before the timer went off.  We hadn't set our own timer, otherwise we could've tried to rush the shot in the last second.
- We had been focusing on accuracy more than time, since the first round hit was worth extra, and we had limited round counts, which is generally a good strategy.
- We never found the other 2 circle targets before time ran out.

Stage 2 @ Load Development Range

- shoot 2 near and 2 far IPSCs with pistol at 100 and 75yd
- shoot square rifle targets at 300, 360, 415, and 460yd, from anywhere on the platform

Outcome/Learnings: 30/40th with 22 points
- The pistol targets here were hard, even though I braced my arms on the table.  I got credit for 3/4 hits.  I think I forgot to hold the right spot on my reticle (the bottom of the chevron).  I had gone through a full mag of pistol.
- SB did get all 4 eventually, but we should've given up on pistol earlier, since we ran out of time before being able to get all of the pretty easy rifle shots.  We didn't have to worry about moving this time, so we could've transitioned back to pistol later, vs going to war against a couple of targets for a lot of the time.
- I cleared the rifle targets, and SB got through part of it.
- We did do a good job of searching the entire range fan for targets this time, although they weren't hard to find this time.
- SB did awesome memorizing all of the target distances, so that she could go back to it when it was her turn to shoot after she ranged for me.

Stage 3 @ Western Bay

- no pistol
- one person shoots 4 pigs, the other person shoots 4 coyotes

Outcome/Learnings: 31/40th with 5 points
- I got 2/2 on a 210yd pig, and SB got 2 for her first round coyote
- I shot at a 533yd pig using dope from the impact but no luck, even after adjusting
- I talked SB onto a target that we thought could be a coyote, but it was actually a pig
- I missed a 700yd pig both times

Stage 4 @ Convoy Broad Range

- 4 squares for 1 person, 4 circles for the other
- lots of prop choices (spool, triangle barricade, rock, tank trap, prone, stumps)

Outcome/Learnings: 5/40th with 17 points
- no wind
- I took the one prone spot that wasn't affected by vegetation
- I got all my targets
- There happened to be 1 target per car, so it was easy to call my targets for the RO
- SB had ranged the far and near cars, and based on the difference, I added 0.1 of elevation for the right.2 targets (SB hadn't done that and missed)
- SB used modified prone from the tall rock
- My bag was low based on the downward angle of our shots, so I had to use my hand to raise the bag.  SB encountered the same thing, even from mod prone.

(Ft. Eisenhower Team, who went after we did, so we got to take pics for them)

Stage 5 @ Long Range KD Pavilion (78*F with 1546 DA @ noon)

- look for a coyote, a pig, a rabbit, and a squirrel
- you had to insert the mag on the clock after you got into prone, for this stage only

Outcome/Learnings: 14/40th with 9 points
- I got 4/4 on the squirrel and rabbit, holding center
- I missed both times on the coyote.  It was skylined, so it was hard to tell the direction of the miss.  It was a scraggly looking coyote, and it had been hard to tell exactly what it was, and it didn't have a ton of good surface area to shoot at.
- We only saw the pig after the stage had ended, when the RO showed us.  It was obvious after the fact, but it was a different color... whitish, compared to the others.
- Prior to the stage, we had a long wait time, but on the bright side, we got to chat with the Ft. Eisenhower team and Tommy for a while under a tent.

(Ft. Eisenhower Team, who went after we did, so we got to take pics for them)

Stage 6 @ Prop Bay

- 4 spread out squares for pistol, but only one shooter can go at a time this time
- shoot 4 gophers with rifle

Outcome/Learnings: 13/40th with 14 points
- I was sloppy on pistol on this stage and missed a lot... I was probably tired.
- SB had pre-loaded the binos on my tripod.
- SB found the 300yd one, and she shot at it while I kept searching. 
- I found the 600yd one and used the impact to lase.  I looked up dope on my armboard (maybe forgetting that the Impact had dope, or maybe not exactly trusting it)... turns out that it did match, though.  I saw dust but missed both times, even after trying to adjust half a plate... I forgot that you always need to adjust at least half a plate plus 0.1.  
- I used a low rock, squatting... not the best stance, but at least I was mobile.  
- SB went halfsies on a roof, standing.  
- The RO showed us where a third gopher was afterwards... it was just a randomly shaped piece of steel, it looked like, and it wasn't obvious to us that it was a gopher.  It was dark grey amidst lots of vegetation, so at least we hadn't missed an obvious one.  Apparently, it had been easier to see in the morning light.

(Ft. Eisenhower Team, who went after we did, so we got to take pics for them)

Overall: 17/40th, which is really good for us!  Last time, we had gotten 28/42.
- A seasoned shooter gave us good advice - aim for getting at least half of the available points, and you'll do pretty well.
- Never needed the tripod this time
- I should always be looking for work... I can at least range!  And I can read out the timer for SB.
- I'm still forgetting to set the timer
- Sometimes, the right move is to give up on difficult pistol earlier, to not give up a bunch more rifle points that could've been had
- We did well in asking when we could shoot pistol simultaneously
- We were pretty efficient with me shooting rifle first until we ran out of targets, then having SB start to shoot while I continued to range
- I did try to use the impact when it made sense.
- It was tough getting level today... I may need to remove some fill from my GC
- I still get sloppy on pistol when I get tired... I'm 100% when I'm fresh
- My rifle was so heavy to lug around... maybe that affected my pistol abilities.  I need to be good about conserving my energy, and not lug the rifle around unnecessarily


Got to make a little video to promote a new ruck and workout!

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