
Monday, September 2, 2024

Tactical Sniper Series & Moons Out Goons Out - June 2024


Monday, June 17:

18A "Upper Body Prep" in 23:11, "My Invention+" in 40:01 doing my best ever.  My left elbow didn't like chin-ups as much as my right elbow did.

Tuesday, June 18:

Hiked 2 miles at the USNWC Off Leash park wearing a 30#RPC and MACV2 8"s, with my parents.

Friday, June 21:

Glute and Pec PT v2 in 28:09, 18A "Hollow" 16 min TABATA


This event series was my very first long range one, back in 2022.  It's made to be gas gunner-friendly, so the targets aren't super far away, and are pretty big, but it's a good way to learn and develop the basics.

It combined pistol and rifle shooting, too, which is always fun and good for Mammoth practice.

Before the event, I finally removed some fill from my Schmedium Armageddon Gear Game Changer, although I ended up using the Grey Ops flat bag a bunch during this event, in hopes of gaining a bit of speed while changing positions.  It doesn't hurt to experiment at lower-stakes events.  I guess it's better to experiment during pure range day practice sessions, but that can be a tough pill to swallow with ammo costs.  You can do it dry, I suppose, but it's not quite as satisfying to do it dry.

I would've liked to remove the Vortex Impact, which can get in the way when you don't need it (this is not a field match), but for whatever reason, the tool that comes with the Impact won't fit on the Impact, so I had to keep it on.

During the morning brief, Chad the MD warned us that we'd be put in uncomfortable shooting positions today.  It's already tough with such a big gun... the Vortex probably wouldn't help.

Stage 2: Sittin' Pretty

- From a seated position on folding chair, with only the tripod allowed outside the square on teh ground, shoot T1, T2, T1, T3, T1, T4, T1, T5, T1, T5 again with rifle.  Clear the rifle

- Load the pistol and shoot a similar sequence on the pistol targets... P1, P2, P1, P3, P1, P4, P1, P5, P1, P5 again.

Outcome/Learnings: 2/4 DIV, 52/75 O, 2R & 10P missed
- I couldn't hold accurately, so I started dialing the rest. With only 7x power, I couldn't see my stadia well.
- I never got to the last 2 rifle shots.  I had run out of the rounds in my 12 rounder and was changing mags when time ran out.  I never got to pistol.
- The Schmedium on the tac table on the tripod (with a Grey Ops plate for extra stability) started going catty wompus in the last few shots.
- I couldn't see the send-it 90 degree level with my crush-it timer in front, so after the stage, I moved the crush-it to the back.
- I was the first to go, which can always be a bit more challenging.
- Steve turned the chair sideways, giving him right arm support... that was smart and was within the rules.

Stage 3: Hunting in the Alley
- On the beep, climb up the deer stand
- Shoot 5 x 125yd targets, 1x each, L->R.
- Shoot the alley targets 1x ea, N->F, then unload and clear.
- Load pistol and shoot alternating between 2 pistol targets until you hit each one 5x.

Outcome/Learnings: 2/4 DIV, 38/75 O, 0R, 10P missed
- I used the attached flat bag to make climbing easier, since I wouldn't have to hold onto something extra when I'd already be climbing with one hand only.  Climbing was tough with the super heavy and long gun.
- It was wobbly, but that could've been the rail itself
- Looking back at video, my stance wasn't good, with my knees bent and my body not really centered.  To be fair, the deer stand platform wasn't very big, so it probably wouldn't have been very easy to spread the legs.  There was some panning and rail switching movement to address different target directions, too, so mobility isn't a bad thing.
- I missed rifle 2-3x
- I dialed everything, since holds had been no good for me at the previous stage

Stage 4: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
- Load pistol, and move and shoot 2x each on pistol steel (allowed to shoot the last target from the barricade since that was the LOA), then clear.
- Pick up your staged rifle and shoot 1 hit each on steel L->R, avoiding the no-shoots right in front of you, which would also obstruct your view depending on the target and the angle vs your position on the barricade.
- After you finish steel, drop the mag and use 1 chambered round to shoot at a hostage taker with height over bore... hitting a no shoot is a 60s penalty, and a miss is a 30s penalty

Outcome/Learnings: 3/4 DIV, 52/75 O, 3R / 0P missed
- pistol was hard but not impossible... those targets would've been decently challenging to hit even if we were static, since they were small... I couldn't believe at first that they wanted us to shoot on the move.
- I was mentally prepared to give up on pistol and move on to rifle, but I didn't need to
- I used the flat bag again due to all the lateral movement I'd need to do on the barricade to see all the targets.
- I had time to shoot the 2nd to last rifle steel, but I didn't, because I thought there might've been another target that I was supposed to find to the left of that, first.  It's tough when you don't have a clear line of sight to all targets from a single spot.
- 7x magnification was fine.

(Photo Credit: Rhett Bingham)

(Photo Credit: Rhett Bingham)

(Photo Credit: Rhett Bingham)

(Photo Credit: Rhett Bingham)

Stage 5: Tank Thrasher (the 2024 standardized stage to measure your progress)
- from the left side of the tank trap, load pistol and shoot the left pistol targets N->F, 2x
- do a mag change on the move to the right side of the tank trap and shoot the right pistol targets N->F, 2x.  
- grab your staged rifle from the right, and shoot rifle targets L->R
- mag change rifle and move to the left side of the tank trap and shoot rifle targets L->R again

Outcome/Learnings: 3/4 DIV, 47/75 O, 6R / 0P miss
- My first pistol set was clean, but I was messy on the second... I should've taken my time instead of rushing... always the case
- I got one "wrong target" during the second to last rifle target on the first string, which was the same result as last time
- On the tank trap crux, I combined the attached flat bag with the Schmedium underneath
- On the far right rifle targets, I had to squeeze in against the middle post of the tank trap
- I timed out before moving to the second rifle position
- While timing for others, I got hit hard with spall in the belly... glasses are important!

Stage 6: Field Work
- Move to the sideways spool and shoot 6 rifle targets R->L, 1 hit each
- Move to the bed rail and shoot the same targets L->R, 1 hit each.  Unload and show clear.
- Load pistol and shoot 6 targets L->R
- Move back to the spool and shoot the same pistol targets R->L

Outcome/Learnings: 4/4 DIV, 58/75 O, 4R / 12 P missed
- The targets were hard to find on glass prior to the stage when we were getting briefed, and they weren't visible from all spots.  They looked different depending on where you were seeing them from, too.
- I should've confirmed where the first targets were before I went, but I didn't, so I ended up shooting the wrong target at first.  I had been working the timer, so I wasn't able to pay as much attention to the targets.
- I had to shift around on the barricades to find the hidden targets, although maybe I could've seen it without moving.
- I used the flat bag again.
- I missed sometimes due to poor fundamentals, and was probably flustered by the difficulties with finding the targets and having to move around to see them
- It helps to go later in stages like this, so that you can see what positions are able to provide visibility of the targets.
- I got hit by spall again

Stage 1: Stay on Track
- From the top of the platform, start on the left 1/3 of the rail and shoot the leftmost target on each of the three triplets, with 1 attempt each, hit or miss
- Move to the center 1/3 of the rail and shoot the center targets on each of the three triplets, with 1 attempt each, hit or miss
- Move to the right 1/3 of the rail and shoot the right target on each of the 3 triplets, with 1 attempt each, hit or miss
- Use your 10th round to shoot standing at a solo target, then clear your rifle
- Load pistol and repeat the same course of fire as rifle, except on pistol targets that are closer.  No need to move among thirds of the rail this time, so that you don't trip over your grounded rifle.

Outcome/Learnings: 4/4 DIV, 52/75 O, 3R / 4P missed
- I told the RO ahead of time that I'd skip the standing rifle, since it'd be really tough with the heavy gun.... it had the Vortex, flat bag, and baker wings on it
- I used the flat bag again due to all the rail movement
- I hit the wrong target for the second target since I was thinking L->R on the triplet, vs LLL
- I missed from rushing
- I used 9x magnification, which was fine
- I switched positions on the rail by picking up the gun and placing it, which was better than sliding it, for faster target acquisition
- I braced on pistol but still missed
- My sunglasses were getting in the way and obstructed my view sometimes
- The platform wobbled some, even with just the RO standing there

(Photo Credit: Rhett Bingham)

(Photo Credit: Rhett Bingham)

(Photo Credit: Rhett Bingham)

(Photo Credit: Rhett Bingham)

Overall: 3/4 Open Bolt
- I need to go for accuracy more than speed, because even at this close distances, I did miss when I skipped fundamentals and rushed
- The flat bag did ok and was pretty convenient
- Eye pro is key for protection against spall
- My gun is so heavy, and even if I get stronger, it will still be too heavy.  I probably need to lighten it.


Legal Sunset was at 8:44pm, so between events, I tried to nap in the heat.

I love every opportunity to use NODS, though.

Stage 2: Vickers in the Dark
- Shoot rifle L->R 2x at 6 targets from 1) the top of the barricade (any step) and 2) any port.  Clear rifle.
- Shoot 8 pistol targets L0>R from one port, and then again from another port

Outcome/Learnings: 29/34 NV, 48/61 O
- I tried to go passive with IR light from the MAWL, but the laser was turning on with both of the buttons that I tried... afterwards, someone said that on the MAWL, on the high beam setting, that might be unavoidable.
- I brightened the passive dot to start seeing it better and started hitting.  It was tricky working with 2 different dots, though.  The laser seemed way off and maybe wasn't zeroed.  I had to remind myself that the passive dot would be the lower left of the two.
- I used the bottom step of the VTAC for better stability.  I never got off a shot from a port, though.  I had started to try to shoot from a port, but the pistol targets were dangerously close to where I was aiming.
- I forgot that I could set IR to always on, vs holding it down actively, which required muscles and introduced instability.
- It was very dark when we went because the moon hadn't come out high yet.  Later on in the night, it did come out, and the stage looked completely different when I walked by.  Passive would've been very possible then.  So it does matter when you shoot the stage... just like long range with unlucky wind, you can get unlucky lighting conditions.
- I was mentally unprepared for this stage... I couldn't even remember how to drop the mag to clear my rifle after the stage ended.  I had gone one shooter earlier than originally planned, since the guy before me had a gear issue that he needed to fix and I took his spot in the sequence in the meantime.

Stage 3: Just a Night Stroll
- Knock down 14 pistol steel along the trail.  Some are pretty skinny, but at least they're close
- Use rifle (tank trap prop optional) to make the spinner spin

- I somehow didn't get a time and score, and that totally messed up the rankings because it caused me to essentially get credit for 0.  I know that I got all my pistol shots and didn't spin the rifle target.  I didn't stay for awards, so didn't see this error until a couple days later.  I never do well at night matches, so I didn't really care about rankings, anyway.
- Pistol was fine
- On the spinner, I was supposedly hitting the stick part of the spinner while I was aiming for the bottom circle
- It was hard to determine the direction of travel of the spinner (if any) under NODS
- Kyle, who didn't have an IR WML, shone his helmet light upwards, like you might do indoors in CQB, which worked for him on the pistol targets... using dirty light
- I should bring a gamechanger for shooting from the tank trap in the future
- The knock-down steel required resets after each shooter, which gave me good moving and working under NODS practice.  It did cause backups on the stage, though... we waited a long time for the first squad to finish, before we started shooting, and we were only the second squad to go.
- I could smell peoples' suppressor covers melting from the spinner engagement mag dumps.
- I hit one pistol target one-handed while I was putting away an empty mag, which I guess was pretty cool.

Stage 4: Super Trooper
- by this time, the moon made 7/8 targets visible with its angle against the treeline, and 1/8 was black on a white field so it was also visible, but in a different way
- start behind the car and shoot rifle from the hood at 8 targets, L->R, 2x through
- clear and leave the rifle on the hood
- go to the back of the car and shoot pistol steel L->R, 1x each on 10 targets

Outcome/Learnings: 13/34 NV, 20/61 O
- Moon was super bright, stars were out, and there were even a couple of fireflies
- I used my camping stool that I had brought for waiting to shoot, as a shooting platform, since I hadn't grabbed my gamechanger from the car.  It actually worked out pretty well... it was a good height, it was pretty stable, and it was easy to move around because it was light
- I went passive because the targets were visible
- I used 30+2 rounds rifle.
- I had to lower the dot intensity a bit
- I remembered to hold rifle low for 125yd.  After I missed, I adjusted a little higher, but who knows if it was my fundamentals or the hold that caused the miss.  That's why it's important to be 100% on fundamentals, so that you can troubleshoot the other potential causes accurately.
- I got through rifle but timed out before chambering pistol
- I got hit by spall again

Stage 5: Bump in the Night
- The sky was bright but not facing the targets this time
- Optional bag and rifle are staged at the barricade
- Load pistol and move and shoot, walking towards the barricade, shooting at 5 targets, 2 hits each, any sequence
-  Shoot the 8 cardboard targets with pistol, 2 hits each, clear and holster
- Grab the rifle and shoot the steel L->R, 3x.

Outcome/Learnings: 21/34 NV, 38/61 O
- There was a backup again, because we had to paste up the cardboard targets
- The backup was also caused by people checking light settings before they shot each time, and people looking for the targets when they got up there before the stage
- I made extra shots on the cardboard because I was going too fast and wanted more confidence about hitting... I figured I may not get far on rifle anyways, since they were hard to see... 
- Before the stage, I did ask this time where the targets were, but I only located two of them and decided to go anyways because I figured I'd end up running out of time anyways.
- I got a single rifle hit in time
- Most people struggled seeing the rifle targets with NV, but the white light shooters were fine... the targets were just too far away, and the lighting wasn't good
- My NODS fogged up unexpectedly after I went and was waiting for others... it was weird, because I hadn't moved or done anything different.  Fortunately, it fixed itself later.  It would've been tough to have to shoot like that.  Maybe dew point at this time of night or something.  It was getting late with all the backups, way later than the MD had anticipated.

Stage 1: Night Tower Power
- The lighting situation was tough on this stage, too... the direction of fire and lighting and tree line position was about the same.  
- From the platform, shoot rifle L->R 2x on the same 9 targets that we had used in the daytime (skip the 10th)
- Shoot pistol L->R 2x on 9 targets (skip the 10th)

Outcome/Learnings: 21/34 NV, 36/61 O
- Not a single person on our NV squad could see the rifle targets, even with our best gear.
- Steve and I, the last two to go, didn't even bother to bring our rifles up onto the platform, since nobody else in the stage had seen the targets
- I hit all but 1 pistol target
- The condensation was coming and going on the NODS again, which causes my vision to be whited out.
- I couldn't see the full pistol reticle for some reason, the way my pupil distance was set.
- Mosquitos came out between 1-3am... an odd time for them to appear (vs dusk)

- I need to zero my MAWL laser
- I need to adjust the pupil distance on the NODS, to make sure I can see the pistol reticle
- NODS can fog up!
- I need to read the manual on the MAWL laser vs light settings
- I need to practice using "always on" on the MAWL
- I realized that there's so much luck involved with lighting conditions.  I do so much better when I'm able to shoot passive
- The GC would be useful at this competition
- ROs can forget to record your stage score and time!  
- Go slower and make hits.  You can't miss fast enough

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