
Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Tactical Sniper Series & Moons Out Goons Out @ Clinton House 2024


Tuesday, Feb 20:

HDT 31.1.1 (ARMS) in 35:30, 18A "Plank Series" in 22:44

Thursday, Feb 22:

Tried Top Golf for the first time, as part of a work team-building event.  Golf clubs are lighter than I expected them to be.  It was interesting thinking about the tie-ins between long range shooting and golf... adjusting for windage.  

In the evening, I rucked 6 miles around the neighborhood at a 13:41 pace with 30# in the v2 Rucker wearing Altra Torin Plush.  It felt good, and I nose breathed.  I stopped mainly because I needed to use the restroom.  I played Pokemon and stopped to tie my laces once.

Friday, Feb 23:

18A "Lower Body Prep" in 20:56, then HDT 31.1.2 (CORE) in 33:32.  Afterwards, I rucked 3.5 miles in 51:12 wearing a 40#WV and Salomon XA Comps.


The Proving Grounds was hosting a double-comp day, where you'd have an opportunity to shoot the Tactical Sniper Series during the day, and then stick around for Moons Out Goons Out at night.  I don't think there's a whole lot of overlap between the precision world and the tactical night shooting world, although many of the long range competitors are gas gunners, which may be slightly more likely to be into the night stuff... who knows.  I was into both, though!  

I do like every opportunity that I can get to use my NODS and help justify its cost and spend more time using it.  It's harder to get opportunities to shoot at night because of range closure times or noise ordinances.  The Night Ops Gun Runs were my first real foray into night shooting competitions, and then my first two Proving Grounds had a couple of night stages, which introduced me to NODS and made me want to get gear to get better at it.  Even walking around or looking at the stars makes it worth it.  

Back to TSS... it would generally be mid-range stuff that could be better suited to gas guns for speed purposes.  It would also involve pistol shooting.  This part of the Clinton House is nice for PRS, since they have a bunch of props laid out linearly, and it's easy to walk from one stage to the next.  Some walls divide the props, too, for a little more privacy and less distractions.  The AG Cup was held here in Dec 2023, and this part of the range is pretty new, so it was cool to finally see it in person in this form.  I had shot one SUC stage here each year with Marathon targets and that was cool, but all the props weren't here then.

There would be 6 stages, with 105s par times.

My Kestrel was still at the shop, but I felt fine estimating DA and wind and used my armboard.

Stage 3: Tank Thrasher

- Draw pistol, insert mag, chamber, and shoot the left side targets N->F, 2x from the left side of the tank trap.

- Do a forced mag change and move to the right side of the tank trap and shoot the right side targets N->F, 2x, clear, and holster.

- Pick up your rifle, chamber, and shoot at 6 targets L->R around a U-shape from the right arm of the tank trap.

- Do a forced mag change and move to the left arm of the tank trap and repeat L->R around the U.

Outcome: 2/5 bolt, 52/69 overall
- I was terrible with pistol and kept hitting off the left edge.  I apparently needed to hold 6 inches right.  I shot 29 rounds and had to reload from my intentionally dropped pistol mag from the mag change, since I had only brought 2 mags with me onto the stage and needed nearly all of it.
- timed out on second rifle string after the mag change, before moving
- I had my Send-it level on but never checked it, partially because I didn't need to at these ranges.
- There was a strong headwind.

Stage 4: 3-Pete
- From behind the mortar, draw and chamber and shoot at 5 card suit targets 1x each, L->R.  
- Move to the sawhorse and repeat.
- Move to the tank trap and repeat.
- Grab your rifle and shoot from the tank trap arm at 5 targets, L->R, 1 hit each.
- Repeat rifle from the saw horse.
- Repeat rifle from the top of the mortar.

Outcome: 5/5 bolt, 62/69 overall
- I didn't finish pistol even after using 3 mags an dskipping 2 pistol targets.  I was still hitting left.
- Missed first rifle shot, made 2 hits before time ran out.  It was a wobble issue, not a doe issue.
- 7x magnification worked 

Stage 5: Sittin' Pretty
- Sit in a chair in front of a table with your bag in your lap and your rifle on the table.  You're allowed to use bipods.
- Chamber and shoot rifle targets L->R 1 hit each, 2x, and show clear.
- Draw your pistol and shoot 5 targets L->R, 1 hit each, 2x.

Outcome: 3/5 bolt, 26/69 overall
- cleared a stage, finally
- glad we shot rifle first, which helped.
- I shot clean on rifle.
- I did adjust my level on rifle this time because the targets were smaller, although I didn't worry too much about being precise.  I just noticed when the reticle was way canted.
- I had to raise my bipods 2 clicks on the clock because my gun was pointed too low.
- I had moved the bipod legs back before the stage so that everything could fit on the table.
- I didn't adjust for wind.
- 7x magnification worked.
- I realized /remembered that I could've skipped pistol on stages where I was struggling this whole time if I needed to

Stage 6: Mike's Revenge
- Shoot from standing on the ground using pistol at 5 targets, L->R, then clear and holster.
- Go into the truck bed where your rifle is staged and shoot 6 rifle targets across the pond, L0>R, 1 hit each, and clear.
- Exit the truck, load pistol, and shoot 1 popper to finish

Outcome: 2/5 bolt, 22/69 overall
- We're now shooting at a 45 degree angle into the wind.  I dialed 0.3R, which worked.  The wind felt like it was 10mph.
- I used 9 pistol rounds and 9 rifle rounds.  There was some wobble.
- I short stroked once while chambering.  I felt it but continued anyways and ended up with a click and no bang... should've chambered harder using the 12 rounder.
- I did wish here that I had had more magnification than 7x.

Stage 1: Crow's Nest
- Draw and load pistol, then shoot at 5 steel from the top of the connex, 2x.
- Run up half a story of stairs to the crows nest and shoot 6 rifle targets R->L, 1 round each, from the top rail.
- Move to the middle rail and repeat.

Outcome: 2/5 bolt, 21/69 overall
- Used 13 rounds of pistol (missed 2x) and went 10/10 on rifle.
- No wind dialing needed
- Braced on pistol for risk mitigation (and speed, to some extent)

Stage 2: Punishment
- Rifle starts on the table with mag in / bolt forward.
- Draw and load pistol, and shoot yellow targets L->R with 1 hit each, then hot holster.
- Chamber the rifle and shoot KYL targets L->R, 2x.  For each miss, darw your pistol and impact a red target, before you get to continue with the rifle course of fire.

Outcome: 2/5 bolt, 14/69 overall
- I used 11 pistol due to 2 penalties and 4 misses
- I needed to dial 0.1R plus hold right edge to hit the last 2 targets.  Once I figured out what hold to use the first time around, I was able to clean rifle on the second string.

Overall: 2/5 bolt, 29/69 overall
- I was surprised that I did this well overall, after terrible pistol shooting on my first and second stages of the day.  I don't know what was wrong... if it was a zero issue or me.  Trigger finger placement?
- My goals was to practice pushing speed and worry less about being precise when targets are big, and I accomplished just that.
- #1 in bolt was #2 overall, so it wasn't even close.
- At least me using so much time in pistol saved me from shooting as much rifle ammo, if I want a silver lining from a cost perspective.

The prizes were really cute.  Hand-made!

I took a nap for an hour in the car.  I was tired after waking up at 4:30am this morning to pack and make the drive down.


The brief was supposed to be at 6pm, but it ended up being 7pm because it was still light out, and the ROs were still getting briefed.

There were 2 squads of NODS shooters, and probably 2 squads for white light.

A full moon was out.  

I didn't change batteries beforehand, but that was fine.  I haven't changed them since first getting all this equipment.

Stage 3: The Trees Are Talking
- Run along a dirt road, shooting (optionally stopping to do so) 2 hits on pistol steel for 6 targets on the way.  
- Retrieve your rifle and shoot at 5 targets L->R standing, 2 times through.
- Move onto a tank trap and repeat, 2x through.
- Finish with a final pistol shot.

Outcome: 18/22 NV, 32/42 O
- I used 13 pistol and 14 rifle.
- I had 1 rifle string plus 2 rifle targets left before time ran out, so I was still in the middle of the tank trap portion.
- Passive rifle was surprisingly easy to shoot with.  I'm glad I had the dot on.  I didn't have to worry about the laser offset, and it felt more fast and natural and accurate.  Steve said that some people swear by laser, and some swear by passive.  I didn't realize that people used passive for anything other than remaining stealthy, or as a backup option!  I like it!  
- I did use my IR light once to make the far rifle target visible.  It was hard to see without it.  Once I knew the location, I could let IR go off and just shoot at ht  spot.  The light washes out the dot a bit when at max level, which is where I think it had been set.
- I shot rifle surprisingly well standing.
- I wish the par time was longer than 105s.  It was so much fun, and I didn't want it to end.  What a stage to start with... so much fun... just this one stage made it all worth it.

Stage 4: Got Your Back
- Shoot 2 per target at 4 cardboard IPSCs, where one is a pendulum that activates once you hit a certain piece of steel.  Plus shoot at 4 steel, with 2 large poppers plus 2 other small ones.  
- Clear pistol, holster, run to the table, and shoot at 6 rifle targets that are 75 yards away from the table, L->R, 2x through.
- Move forward 10 yards and shoot targets standing, L->R, 1 more time.

Outcome: 17/22 NV, 25/42 overall
- I shot the activator steel first, so that some of the swinging momentum could phase out before I finished with it.  It wasn't that bad.
- I had to shoot the large popper on the left 2x because it didn't fall the first time.
- I used 13 rounds of pistol and 20 of rifle.
- I accidentally shot the first 3-4 rifle targets 2x each instead of 1x each 2 times through... the downside of going first for the squad on a stage is that you don't have time for the course of fire to sink in as you watch others shoot it. 
- I tried laser for the first few targets because they were hard to see, but I wasn't having as much luck with hitting them, so I switched back to passive and did better.  I only missed occasionally after that.
- The 6th target was hidden by a cardboard friendly, so I had to shift on the table to see it.
- I ran out of time before the last shot.
- I noticed that the Otto ear pro wasn't doing much to help with the noise.

Stage 5: House Party
- Shoot 2 pistol steel at 25yd, LRLR.
- Move to the front right corner of the house and shoot at 2 pistol steel at 15yd, LRLR.  Clear and holster.
- Retrieve rifle from the front left corner of the house, rack, shoot 2 cardboard at 15yd, 2 hits each (double taps are OK)
- Move through the house and out the opposite side door, shooting 2 per on cardboard, and then shoot 2 each at 6 additional rifle cardboard, working your way around a crescent shape around the far corner of the house.

Outcome: 16/22 NV, 22/42 Overall
- I finally cleaned a stage tonight!  I wasn't sure I'd get through this much tshooting.
- I missed pistol a few times, but it wasn't bad, given the distance.
- I used passive for the first 2 pistol targets and IR for the rest.
- Rifle was clean, fast, and fun.  I made my red dot brighter for speed.
- The Sordins hurt my head, but it was better than having my ears blasted.
- This was fun, but I was starting to get tired.

Stage 1: Raining Lead
- From the top of the single connex, shoot 3 popper knock-downs with pistol plus alternate 2 static pistol LRLR (OK to do the knock-down targets in between the two pairs, which one clever gamer did, which i copied)
- Shoot rifle N->F at about 50-100yd, 3x through, from 
> top of barrel
> top railing
> middle railing

Outcome: 17/22 NV, 25/42 overall
- Went back to Ottos, which made my head hurt less.
- Copied the gamer's strategy for pistol target efficiency
- I braced for pistol since I've been sucking at it today, but I still missed by going too fast
- Went passive on rifle, blowing everyone's mind because I could see the targets without additional IR light.  I must have good NODS.
- I timed out with 1 shot left.
- Rifle positions weren't an issue, even without a bag on the props and shooting passive.

Stage 2: Positional Punisher
- Shoot pistol playing card targets L->R 2x through
- Pick up rifle, rack, and shoot 5 targets L->R @ 100yd berm, from
> barricade
> rocks
> tires

- take out pistol for 1 final shot on single large target 

Outcome: 21/22 NV, 35/42 overall
- I had braced on pistol but still had misses
- I had tried to memorize the locations of the difficult-to-see rifle targets... good plan, but didn't quite work, since they were really hard to see
- the KIJI was useless at 100yd, both here and at the Connex... it's more for close things like the trail you're trying to walk on.
- I struggled manipulating the MAWL settings from kneeling on the barricade
- timed out while still shooting from barricade at target 5

Overall: 19/22 NV, 30/42 Overall

- Wanted more NV practice, and I got it, even if I didn't place that well

- Need to play with settings on the MAWL more and figure out what works best and when

- Passive RD on rifle is awesome!

- Stages were so much fun!

- Pistol misses are worth 10s, and rifle misses are worth 30s, which is good to know when prioritizing in the future.

- My standing was surprisingly good

- Positional shooting is actually hard with passive RD... I need to practice that.  

- It was a long 23.5 hour day for me.  I drank all the drinks that I brought, even on this winter day.

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