
Monday, May 27, 2024

The Proving Grounds @ The Sawmill Feb 2024


Sunday, Feb 4:

HDT IR31-35.1.2 (Legs & Core) in 31:49, Baba Yaga 30 min AMRAP with a 40#SB with 3 rounds and 18 reps feeling decent, and a 2 min dead hang finisher

Tuesday, Feb 6:

APFT with 53/40 push-ups, 83/76 sit-ups, and a 15:08/17:00 2 mile in 44* temps in the Adidas Boston Boost.  Afterwards, I rucked 2 miles with 30# in 26:56 in the v2 Rucker in the Altra Torin Plush with a bandaid on my blister from the MACV2s, nose breathing.  It felt good.  

Wednesday, Feb 7:

4.5 miles with 30# in the v2 Rucker int he Altra Torin Plush nose breathing in 58:24 with a bandaid again.

Thursday, Feb 8:

Range trip to work out my pistol flinch and zero my BCM.

Finished reading "Delete the Adjective" by Lisa Jaster... so eye-opening about the uphill battle and standard-crushing the first female Rangers went through.


TPG has certainly grown and become more popular since its early days.  It's great to see such a fantastic event get the recognition it deserves.  I had gotten used to being the only female to show up, so it was a great surprise when there were 9 competing at this match, with about 5 in my squad alone (1/3 of the squad).  

The PAR time for each stage was 7 minutes.  I used my 12# Crye plate carrier, BCM AR-15, and CZP10C.

Stage 3: It's All On

There was a really neat strategy twist here... you had to load your rifle mag on the clock, with as many rounds as you wanted to have for the stage.  Load to many, and you will have wasted time, potentially leading to a time-out or at least doing worse from a time plus scoring perspective.  Load too few and run out, and you'll get misses count against you.  How fast do you load?

Once you've loaded, grab an empty air tank that may weigh about 25# and carry it to the first floor, where you can put the tank down to shoot at 5 pistol targets.  Then move to a window to shoot at 5 rifle targets N->F.  Move to a second window and repeat the rifle engagements.

Go up to the second floor with the tank and shoot at 5 targets all the way through, 2x.  

Go up to the third floor with the tank, and shoot 5 rifle targets from any port.  Then move to the balcony and shoot the rifle targets again.  Now you can go back to the ground floor, put the tank down, and go around hte corner to shoot one final pistol target to end the time.

I was towards the end, so I had a lot of time to stretch and make a plan.

I ended up using 29/30 rifle rounds that I carried and 19 pistol.  I was 3/9 for women and 48/80 overall.

I had a malfunction at my second rifle window.  I removed the mag immediately, but I needed to pull the charging handle alllll the way back to clear it.  I should've followed the full process the first time to address it more quickly.

Stage 4: Consequences

Move to a rifle wood barricade and shoot 5 pistol targets 1x each, 2x, L->R.  Shoot rifle from the rope section of the barricade at 2x150yd targets, 4x200yd targets, 1x each, L->R.  Each time you miss, bring a metal torpedo out to the flag and back and re-engage.

Move to a table and repeat the rifle series.  If you miss, bring a comically large but not terribly heavy dumbbell out to the flag and back.

Move to the tank trap and shoot from it with your gun touching some part of it, and repeat the rifle engagement.  If you miss, you only have to do a slick run out and back.

Move to the low table with a flat SB and shoot at a 400yd rifle target until you hit it 1x with no penalties for misses.

I got 4/9 for women and 41/80 overall.  I used 24 rifle and 11 pistol.  

I missed 4x total on rifle, 2x needing to carry the torpedo, and 2x needing to do the slick run.  

I had to move3e around on the rope to see all the rifle targets and shoot around the pistol targets, which was an interesting twist.  

I farmers carried the torpedo, but shouldering it would've been better for my hands, even though it wasn't heavy or a long trip.

I felt like I had good positions and did OK recovering after the penalties.

It does add extra stress having everyone watching during this stage.  The connex one was mainly blind.

Stage 5: Yard Hand

Shoot a dueling tree with 6 targets with pistol.

Put a SB in a wheelbarrow and push it to the next bay.

At the first table, shoot 6 steel of various sizes with 1 hit each, L->R.

Push the wheelbarrow to the closer table in the bay and shoot a plate rack.

Push the wheelbarrow to the third bay and shoot rifle standing at a far right target, 1x.  Move to the first barrel/tire combo and shoot 5 left targets L->R 1x each, with prop usage allowed.  On your way to the next barrel/tire combo, you must shoot the far right target standing again at some point.  Repeat the 5 target series on 3 more barrel/tire combos, and do one more final standing shot on the far right target before pushing the wheelbarrow back to the start.  

Shoot pistol on a freshly loaded gun to end the time.

I got 4/9 for the women, 57/80 overall.  I used 32/60 rifle, 39/45 pistol.... so bad on pistol.. I missed a ton on the plate rack.  I was high, and looking back, I probably held at the wrong place on my chevron reticle since I wasn't thinking about it.  It's good that I brought 3 mags, because I almost needed all of it!

My rifle standing shots weren't bad, all things considered.  I had been most worried about that.  I only missed a couple of times.  

I forgot about the last standing rifle shot and had already dropped my mag before the RO reminded me.  Fortunately, I hadn't cleared my chamber yet, so I had one chance to make the hit without needing to reload.  I had to make it count!  I pulled the trigger on a good shot, but no bang... I had the safety on!  So I had to do it again, which ate up time, but I did make the shot.  

Stage 1: What an Obstacle

Start from the far end of a bay and run up to and climb a rope without your rifle.  Afterwards, grab the rifle and move to the next bay.

Shoot from your non-dominant shoulder from barrels at 7 rifle targets, L->R.  Move to another barrel and repeat, but you can use any shoulder and any position this time, including prone.  Repeat the engagement, from prone.  Repeat from a low railroad tie wall.  Leave your rifle and go to the original O-course with a tightrope, cargo net A-frame, Railroad tie wall, window, barbed wire crawl, over/under sternum checker, and balance beam 3/4 of the way.  

Return to teh shooting bay and shoot 5 pistol targets 1x each, twice, from a barrel.  Then shoot at a farther silhouette to end the time.

This was a good redemption stage after my previous pistol disaster.  I got 1/9 for women and 15/80 overall.  I used 30/60 rifle and 14/30 pistol.

I'm surprised by how many people can't climb ropes.  Off-hand practice came in handy!  The positional rifle shooting all felt good... it's a strength for me now, thanks to precision rifle.  

I pushed the pace pretty hard and didn't make very many mistakes or misses.  I felt confident, since I knew that obstacle courses were kind of my thing.

Stage 2: <<Removed>>

From a seat inside a shoot house, locate your gear that the RO has hidden somewhere inside the house.  Exit the house and go to the short connex structure where you climb up to teh first floor and shoot 7 targets from the first window and repeat from a second window.  

Run to the end of the hill overlooking the big car bay.  Shoot at 7 targets L->R from a beam, again from a wobbly beam, and again from the top of a tall crate at 200yd.  

Load pistol and shoot at 5 poppers 1x each to end the time.

This was another fun twist.  It would've been cool to shoot inside the shoot house, but this is a good second place.  I love the creativity of the stages.  

I had to check a few rooms before finding my gear.  I fumbled putting it on... I should know better about "slow is smooth, smooth is fast".  

I'm surprised that my rifle shots went as well as they did, after the elite male who went before me used 2 full mags and ran out.  I used 29/120 rifle and 38/60 pistol.

I brought multiple grains of 5.56, intending to use 77gr IMI for the longer shots, but I pulled out the 55gr Norma instead.  It worked.  

There was still light out when I went as the 3rd to go.  It was too dark even with car lights on for the later part of the squad to go, though, so they removed this stage from scoring.  Too bad.  


I got 4/9 for the women, within 2% points of 2nd.... it was that close among 2->4th.  I was actually 3rd when the entire field was used as a benchmark, but when the top female was used as the benchmark, I was 4th.  Interesting how scoring can work out.  I was 37/80 overall.  

I can be good when I'm focused and confident.
I need to figure out rifle holds.
Position building is a strength of mine now, as is experience.  
Slow is smooth, smooth is fast.

First time not getting a podium in my division at this match, but the competition is raising the bar, which is good, and I was close.  Next time!

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