
Saturday, August 3, 2013

July 8-21: First 2 Weeks of Serious Training on the Hansons Plan

The idea behind the Hansons Plan is that you run enough days per week that a 16 mile max LR feels like the last 16 of a marathon.  There are also quality workouts, of speed and what they call tempo, which is really just MP. 

Monday, July 8 - 4.3 mi @ a 3 degree incline in 8:26 (7:46 effort).  Felt pretty easy through mile 4, then it got hard, and my outer left knee cartilage (I'm guessing) issue started getting harder to control.

Tuesday, July 9 - 6.2 mi intervals at 1 degree incline.  0.6 warmup @ 7mph, then 12 x [0.3 mi @ 8.6 mph, 0.2 mi @ 7.5mph]... It's supposed to be quarters for the intervals, but I stretched it to 0.3 mi to account for the treadmill ramp-up time.   During this workout, the power actually flashed off, causing the treadmill to jolt to a stop.  Gotta always be on your toes!   I had considered stopping after 4 reps because they were hard, but the latter ones went by quickly!  The on vs. off ratio was nice... enough time to recover.  Cardiovascularly easy - even in the 11th rep, I could breathe in with my nose occasionally.

Wednesday rest

Thursday, July 11 - 5.0 tempo run @ 2 degrees of incline.  My BQ goal is 3:35, but I'm supposedly capable of a 3:22, so I had planned to split the difference during training.  I averaged a 7:55 pace, which was a 7:36 effort with the incline.  There is 1 big hill in the St George marathon, so a bit of incline won't hurt.  I alternated between 1 degree and 3 degrees.  The run was toughter than I expected.

Friday rest

Saturday, July 13 - 8.4 in the park at 9:14 ave pace.  Left outer knee cartilage feels like it's missing.... otherwise, felt good, like I could've gone on longer, cardiovascularly.

Sunday, July 14 - 55 min strength session.

This week was tough on the legs, even though I only racked up 24 miles.

Monday, July 15 - 4.0 @ a 1 degree incline, 8:21/mi ave.  Left outer knee... uh.  Time went by slowly, yet I felt like I didn't do much cardiovascularly.

Tuesday, July 16 - 4.6 @ 1 degree, interval workout.  1 mi warmup in 8:09, 6x [ 0.4 in 2:49 (8.6mph), 0.2 in 1:35 (7.5mph)].  It was supposed to be 600m reps, but I made it 0.4 mi, since I'm doing stuff on a treadmill.  I was supposed to do 8 reps... 6 isn't bad, though.  Played it safe.  It was a bit too close to dinner, so it was hard to go on.  Reaching out further when taking strides helped to control my joint issues.  Running's not as fun when you fear injury.  Lucky to get in a workout at all today, since I worked til 7pm.

Wednesday rest

Thursday, Jul 18 - 5.0 @ 1 degree, tempo (MP)... took it easier this time, with just 1 degree of incline and 8:01 pace.  To ease joint stresses while still hovering around the goal pace, I varied between 7.4mph and 7.6mph through the run... worked ok.  Knees had been tight after my nap, so I stood around while doing dishes, which helped.  The monitor on the treadmill fell down into the machine while I was running, so I had to estimate time/distance.  I would've run on longer, but I had a night-time conference call to get to afterwards - blah.

Friday, Jul 19 - 65 min bike session.  Didn't sweat as much as usual.

Saturday, Jul 20 - 9.6 mi on the Swamp Rabbit trail, ave 7:44.  Sprained ankle badly on mile 2.5 in the grass, and kept going, hobbling.

Sunday, July 21 - 4.5 mi in grass in the park.  Sprained ankle (the right one again) even worse this time.  Had to stop completely, and I cleared out the sticks and rocks in the path, to try to prevent it from happening again.  Right front knee was bad pretty much the whole time.  Bother.  Lightening last 2 miles were kind of scary.  My left knee started giving out, when walking forward - something's really wrong.

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