Back home, back on the old loop. Since my old watch band broke, I had to use a cereal box Shrek watch with Don-kay. His seconds screen is separate from the minutes screen, so this is approximate... 4.4 miles in 35:30... It's 35:XX, so we'll just say 30. says it's 8:04/mi. By the way, I made this cool Excel pace calculator just like Coolrunning's. Programming (if you can call normal Excel functions programming) is fun, so is making graphs, if it's about a fun subject.
So about the run... my right knee wasn't tracking well, and so for about 4 strides spread out over the first mile and a half, it would hurt. I maybe tried hard to keep the knee tracking straight, because as my dad watched my strides on the last mile, he noticed that my right leg was fine, but my left leg was seriously pronating. He also said that it looked like I spent more time on my right foot (like 1/2 sec vs. 2/5 sec). Those were good observations. During the run, it felt fine, and I thought there was nothing wrong with my strides. I was just tired and out of breath, especially after the 3 mi mark.
After the run, my right medial ankle was kind of burning. Never happened before. It was 63 degrees in my Progrid (warm in bra, especially in the blazing sun), which may need to be looked at, to see if the arch was out of line in the left shoe. I bought the New Balance 1250's (I think, I'll have to check again) with a straight last. I'll have to try that out. I didn't bring it home because when I tried to run on it three days ago, it hurt. It could've been my body and not the shoe, but I didn't want to risk not having good shoes to run in at home.
Oh, it feels good to write narratives again. I haven't been doing that because of limited internet. For the past few months, I'd just record my log notes word-for-word, and you can't fit as much in the three mini-lines of the log.
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