
Monday, June 8, 2009

Jun 8

Double workout lite today, since I'll be going to CO to hike (only one day, with 2 days of acclimitization).

Morning: 35 min strength. It's been a bit over a week since my last S, so I was worrired about how I'd do, but it was okay. At times, I felt like I wasn't doing much, so I extended the times I held stuff, doing 2:30 for the plank and 1:30 for 6 inches, and going to 35/40 reps for single leg lifts. Pushups were kind of lacking at 30, though. Not too concerned, though, since running doesn't require that much of that kind of strength.

6pm: 4.4 mi in 33:38, at 7:39 pace. It was 78 degrees, with 85% humidity in a sports bra. It was post-nap and fuel, and I felt kinda weighed down - maybe from the lack of nutrients or the heat or stress. The run was okay, though. My legs were even very slightly sore last night as I lay in bed. A feeling I haven't had in a while - it was kind of nice, like I know I did something. I don't know why 6.6 at a slower than I can do ideally pace would make me sore. Maybe it's just that they had to work under tougher conditions with extra blood needed to go to cool my skin rather than fuel my muscles. Well, now I have 2.2, 4.4, and 6.6 mile run times down to use as a comparison for when I come back home, whenever that is... probably Christmas!!! Wow, imagine the temp difference (although I never had to wear more than long sleeves during past X-mas runs).

Splits> 7:22 r, 3:31 c, 2:28 p, 3:47 h (17:09), 5:02 b, 5:20 c, 2:26 p, 3:38 h (16:29... wow, much faster)

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